Fruit of the Spirit
Abba, to love the unjust, to demonstrate compassion and concern, especially for the eternity of those who despise You, who willfully use...
Hi, I'm Marty!
So good to have you here.
Welcome! I believe that everyone, no matter their background or current situation, can find hope and inspiration in Jesus Christ and His Word to equip, strengthen and encourage them in their everyday lives. My goal is to provide a platform for sharing stories, experiences, and insights that can help uplift and encourage others. Join me on this journey of discovering uncommon hope in the midst of common life.
Abba, to love the unjust, to demonstrate compassion and concern, especially for the eternity of those who despise You, who willfully use...
Did you notice this? I have to admit, I missed it. From Luke 8: 23-25 (NLT) 23 As they sailed across, Jesus settled down for a nap. But...
Precious Lord, it is too easy, in the midst of challenge to forget or forsake the rock-solid truth of Your character. You do not change....